Discovery Foundation's Helpfulness is the New Hustle: Jan 31, 2024. An in-person workshop delivered by Acetech and featuring keynote speaker Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte!

Is your marketing so helpful and powerful that people would happily pay for it? The key to breaking through the noise isn’t being louder, it’s becoming profoundly helpful and relevant. If you sell something, you make a customer today. But if you help and delight someone, you earn a customer for life, because help beats hype every time. Helpfulness is a mission for everyone on your team...not just your marketing team!

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN with Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte:

  • Why the fight for attention is getting more difficult every day and why most marketing and communication efforts FAIL

  • The simplest yet most untapped marketing formula to rapidly grow your business, impact and influence and turn your customers into raving fans into customers.

  • Easy-to-implement yet, life-changing ideas designed to build trust, engagement and influence.

    Click here for more information and to register!

Christina Schroeder